جمعه ۸ تیر ۱۴۰۳

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آرشیو ماهیانه

دسته ها:English، اسیرکُشی محسن شکاری، اعدام قهرمان کشتی نوید افکاری، اعدام های غیر فقهی و غیر شرعی، دادستان ذبیح زاده، در چنگال غارتگران میراث فرهنگی، دیگر نمی توان دم فرو بست، روانکاوی در انجمن فرویدی، روانکاوی در رسانه‌ها و در جامعه، من هم در اتاق بازپرس حسینی بودم، نامه سرگشاده به ریاست محترم قوه قضائیه، وزیر محترم اطلاعات

Open Letter _ Part Twenty two: The Horrific Gang Of Criminal Investigators and Intelligence Officers

Honorable Chief Justice,

Greetings and respect,

I request permission to conclude what I have noted so far:

A number of female researchers – In the field of archeology with a psychoanalytical approach- visit a very ancient and special place for the third time.

The people of the nearby village monitor their every movement and feel extremely threatened by their presence.

Two men from that village, who have walkie-talkie, send 10 of their colleagues, who are from the criminal investigation police, to those ladies.

On their way, those policemen bring a number of officers from the Hoolar police station with them so they will be able to claim later that the Police 110 went to those women, or that it was a “routine patrol” of police – according to Chamani the Prosecutor’s Assistant.

Hoolar police station is not the closest police station to that ancient site, so neither the “routine patrol” nor the 110 police mission at that location are related to this police station.

There were no Policewomen with those 10 criminal investigator officers and 6 uniformed officers.

Some of those uniformed officers were well-armed as if they had been sent to fight against the evildoers or ISIS.

Without presenting a court order not only They arrested those ladies but also confiscated all their properties .One of those plainclothes officers named Kamran Momeni – who later introduced himself as an criminal investigator officer – from the very first moments realized that there was a conspiracy and cursed his colleagues and apologized to those ladies. He accompanied those ladies to Hoolar police station and immediately left his colleagues.

The presence of Captain Momeni among those people made them not to use their usual trick, which is to place drugs or weapons or… among the belongings of the arrested people

At Hoolar police station, when they realized that those ladies were fully aware of their rights, they Withdrew themselves and sent those ladies to an unknown place by a van accompanied by two female agents.

Later, it became clear that this unknown place is the headquarters of Sari police custody.

Those ladies were in the clutch of Criminal investigator officers for 24 hours and were interrogated, and since the routine method of planting drugs or weapons was not performed in the case of those ladies, they should have made another accusation against those ladies to justify their attack.

They had turned over the notebooks of those women – in which they recorded their findings from their research trips – but they had not found anything.

They had also visited the Freudian Association website and had failed there as well.

However, citing these notebooks and website, they had lined up a series of security charges and wanted to accuse these ladies with them.

The person in charge of those ladies, very well recognized that they were from the criminal investigation police, and that there was no accusation that could be used to allow the intervention of the police, she told those Criminal investigators that if a security crime has happened, it should be referred to the Department (Ministry) of Intelligence.

Those Criminal investigators knew very well that “these things are children’s game and these things are not business of Ministry of Intelligence and the police force is in charge”.  As a result, they had nothing to provide the Department (Ministry) of Intelligence with.

But they had an accomplice/fellow citizen in the intelligence department that they could get help from.

This accomplice/fellow citizen was a “Sect specialist” and not an expert in propaganda against the regime!

As a result Those Criminal investigator officers, invented a charge of “membership in the unknown sect of Mithraism” in order to facilitate the entry of their accomplice/fellow citizen.

To facilitate the entry of this accomplice/fellow citizen, they had a prosecutor ready.

It is quite expected that this “Sect specialist” did not find any sect, but… after 20 hours of interrogation and in a six-page report, he proved the same accusations raised from the Association’s website and notes!!!

That is, without the presence of this “specialist”, those accusations would have been “child’s game” in the Ministry of Intelligence opinion, but now, with his presence, these accusations were proved by the “specialist” of the same ministry, and became punishable by prison!!!

The equivalent of this action in forensic medicine is that, for example, the diagnosis of insanity is made by a gynecologist instead of a psychiatrist! And with this diagnosis, force someone to be hospitalized!

And the equivalent of this act in the law is that the judge knows very well that their forensic doctor was for another job, but he ignores it and recognizes that criminal “diagnosis”.

That judge in his accusations_  which are included in the prison entry paper_ does not talk about the sect and has written accusations of education against the holy law of Islam and propaganda against the regime, but proves these accusations with a “sect specialist”!

Your Honor, the Chief Justice there are more horrific cases that I will present below. But please note that apparently this type of frame up is a common job in that province of aliens.

And let us remember that according to the residents of that province, the biggest activity of treasure hunting and smuggling of cultural heritage is done with the complicity of the Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department.

That among the judicial employees of that province, some keep a “heap” of gold and several weapons at home.

That they lost these weapons with a gimmick. Which “that” gimmick and “this” dimmick go to the same assistant prosecutor.

That, that assistant prosecutor became an interrogator overnight. That if it wasn’t for these open letters and the existence of the World Psychoanalytic Association and the United Nations, Le Monde newspaper, Le Point magazine, MITRA film, etc., those ladies would have been lost just like those weapons.

It is interesting to me that Mr. Zad, the “sect specialist” who searched the website of the Freudian Association to pull out 10-12 articles out of thousands of articles and to prove the propaganda against the regime, why he did not see the “Mazandarani’s Mafia of the Judiciary” section in the website or kept silence?! And why did he send the informant to prison?

With respect and gratitude

Dr.Mitra Kadivar


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  تاریخ انتشار: ۲۴ آبان ۱۴۰۲، ساعت: 23:55