جمعه ۸ تیر ۱۴۰۳

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آرشیو ماهیانه

دسته ها:English، اسیرکُشی محسن شکاری، اعدام قهرمان کشتی نوید افکاری، اعدام های غیر فقهی و غیر شرعی، دادستان ذبیح زاده، در چنگال غارتگران میراث فرهنگی، دیگر نمی توان دم فرو بست، روانکاوی در انجمن فرویدی، روانکاوی در رسانه‌ها و در جامعه، من هم در اتاق بازپرس حسینی بودم، نامه سرگشاده به ریاست محترم قوه قضائیه، وزیر محترم اطلاعات

Open Letter – Part Five: Psychoanalysis is, first and foremost, a research method


Honorable Chief Justice

Greetings and respect

I learned from the news yesterday that you paid a visit to the National Museum and held a joint meeting with the Honorable Minister of Cultural Heritage. There is no news more delightful for enthusiasts of cultural heritage. As far as I can recall, you are the first head of our judiciary to undertake such an endeavor. You likely know very well that the condition of cultural heritage, as well as the state of tourism in Iran, is beyond lamentable. However, I am quite certain that even you may not be aware of the extent to which these two matters are grievous and dreadful in Mazandaran province.

Approximately a hundred years ago, when the term “psychoanalysis” finally made its way into the dictionary (encyclopedia), authorities requested Freud himself to pen an article on this subject. In that piece, he primarily introduced psychoanalysis as a research methodology. (Before it became a therapeutic approach!) This research methodology can be applied across all fields of the humanities. The application of this research methodology to Iran’s cultural heritage, carried out by the sole individual in Iran with access to this research methodology (in other words, the only psychoanalyst in Iran), yields astonishing results.

It is astonishing that the researchers affiliated with the Freudian association are currently incarcerated due to these remarkable findings. This group, comprised of corrupt individuals from organizations such as Naja (Iran’s Intelligence Agency), Intelligence, PAWA, and the Prosecution, was well aware that the research team possessed knowledge they should not have. They also understood that the knowledge of these researchers would eventually bring an end to their illicit activities.

During one of their previous trips to the region, researchers from the Freudian association visited Agh Mashhad village (located 6 kilometers away from Amreh village) on a specific day.

On that day, a very ancient festival known as “Meredeh Pella” (Feast of the Dead – Festival of the Dead) was in progress in that village. On that day, even the immigrants from that village had returned there to partake in this celebration. They possessed valuable information about their village that served as evidence for the accuracy and applicability of the Freudian research methodology. On that day, our researchers discovered that one of the most widespread activities in the 30-square-kilometer area was the illicit trade in burial artifacts and antiquities. The villagers claimed that these activities were conducted in collaboration with corrupt individuals who had knowledge and access to information within the province.

(It is evident that I am neither able to refute nor substantiate this claim.) Each villager knew of individuals who had amassed legendary wealth within an incredibly short span of time. This is how the dire situation of cultural heritage in Sari and its environs can be elucidated.

With respect and gratitude,

Dr. Mitra Kadivar

۲۰۲۳/۹/۲۸ ۱۷:۰۰

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  تاریخ انتشار: ۷ آبان ۱۴۰۲، ساعت: 08:40