جمعه ۸ تیر ۱۴۰۳

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آرشیو ماهیانه

دسته ها:English، اسیرکُشی محسن شکاری، اعدام قهرمان کشتی نوید افکاری، اعدام های غیر فقهی و غیر شرعی، دادستان ذبیح زاده، در چنگال غارتگران میراث فرهنگی، دیگر نمی توان دم فرو بست، روانکاوی در انجمن فرویدی، روانکاوی در رسانه‌ها و در جامعه، من هم در اتاق بازپرس حسینی بودم، نامه سرگشاده به ریاست محترم قوه قضائیه، وزیر محترم اطلاعات

Open Letter – Part Six: A Grave Without a Corpse

Honorable Chief Justice

Greetings and respect
In the fourth section of my statement, I addressed the fact that the antique smuggling ring made a grave mistake by wrongly incarcerating the researchers from the Freudian Association. This error was significant because the key to unraveling this enigma lay within those prison walls. I further mentioned the villagers of Agh Mashhad, who asserted that the activities related to treasure hunting and the illicit trade in antiquities were being conducted with the collaboration of corrupt elements within the police force and the Intelligence office of the province. This is where, perhaps, it might be possible to substantiate at least a portion of the villagers’ claims by utilizing the decryption key available within the prison.
In the prison, there is a woman with a remarkably eye-opening story. She is currently incarcerated due to drug trafficking, a charge brought against her by her second temporary husband (her being his concubine). However, it is the narrative of her first legally wedded husband that holds significance for us. Her initial spouse was a well-known antique smuggler who held significant influence within certain sectors of both the Criminal Investigation Department and the provincial prosecutor’s offices. Remarkably, he had pursued this seemingly respectable profession for 16 years without ever being seriously ensnared by the law.
Then, suddenly, one day, he calls his wife from the detention center using his own mobile phone and makes an unusual request. He asks her to bring his stomach medication to the detention center. A few hours later, he calls again, still using his own cell phone, but this time with devastating news. He reveals that the pills his wife has brought are, in fact, poisoned rice pills‌ (Aluminium phosphide), and he is gravely poisoned, teetering on the brink of death. Subsequently, officers from the Criminal Investigation Department contact the woman, informing her of her husband’s demise.
She is even denied the opportunity to view her husband’s lifeless body and is not permitted to participate in his funeral. It means that the smuggler is interred without the presence of his wife. Some time later, she comes across a post on Instagram from her husband’s mistress, which leads her to suspect that her first husband is most likely still alive and residing abroad.
What better reason could the Criminal Investigation Department have than to cooperate with the smuggler, ensuring that he is spared from the death penalty (or even imprisonment), and assist him in building a new life abroad with the proceeds from smuggling our nation’s cultural heritage?
Oh, by the way, that detention center is the same place where they sent the female researchers of the Freudian Society without a judicial order. The female wardens at that detention center accepted our colleagues solely based on an order written on half of an A4 paper, bearing only three nameless signatures. There was neither a court order nor even a letterhead from the police force, the Criminal Investigation Department, PAWA, or any other authority!
Furthermore, the intelligence officers even fabricated a legal case for that woman. She claims that within a span of 3 days, her sentence shifted from execution to life imprisonment, then to acquittal, and finally, she was released!
Honorable chief justice, I don’t know about you, but life for us ordinary people in this country has become profoundly harrowing and anxiety-inducing.
In the current ordeal of this woman’s imprisonment, there is another highly peculiar aspect. Her temporary husband has asked her to take the blame for the drug-related case, warning that if they implicate that man, he will face the death penalty. Naturally, this woman did not yield to this pressure. However, one day, that man’s sister pays a visit to the prison and, during the three weeks she spends there, she employs various psychological tactics to try to manipulate this woman into admitting guilt. After failing to execute her plan over these three weeks, she is inexplicably released from prison!
Honorable chief justice, in Iran, who possesses the authority to send citizens to prison? Aside from a judicial authority? And who has the power to release them from prison? Again, aside from a judicial authority?

With gratitude and respect,
Dr. Mitra Kadivar

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  تاریخ انتشار: ۸ آبان ۱۴۰۲، ساعت: 09:33