جمعه ۸ تیر ۱۴۰۳

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آرشیو ماهیانه

دسته ها:English، اسیرکُشی محسن شکاری، اعدام قهرمان کشتی نوید افکاری، اعدام های غیر فقهی و غیر شرعی، دادستان ذبیح زاده، در چنگال غارتگران میراث فرهنگی، دیگر نمی توان دم فرو بست، روانکاوی در انجمن فرویدی، روانکاوی در رسانه‌ها و در جامعه، من هم در اتاق بازپرس حسینی بودم، نامه سرگشاده به ریاست محترم قوه قضائیه، وزیر محترم اطلاعات

⁦Open Letter – Part Sixteen: The Trial of Galileo in the 21st Century or The Trial of Psychoanalysis and Harvard University!

Honorable Chief Justice,

Greetings and respect,

With respect, I hereby submit my petition text to the case prosecutor. Since it seems that the prison social worker has an issue with sending this petition, I am thus obliged to send it to you first to prevent my rights from being violated.

With respect and gratitude

Dr. Mitra Kadivar


“Respected Prosecutor of Branch 7 of the Sari Court,

Greetings and respect,

Respectfully, I, Dr. Mitra Kadivar, a physician and the only Iranian psychoanalyst member of the World Association of Psychoanalysis (holding a special advisory chair in the United Nations), in other words, the only psychoanalyst in Iran, present the following regarding the case formed under number … .

I, as a psychoanalyst and a member of the World Association of Psychoanalysis, not only have permission to practice psychoanalysis globally but also have permission to train psychoanalysts. Training psychoanalysts in Iran is one of the basic objectives of the Freudian Association, which has been operating with a license from the esteemed Ministry of Interior and registered under number 23222 since 2006. I am the founder and chairman of the board of the Freudian Association, and all activities of the Freudian Association are monitored by the Department of NGOs of the Ministry of Interior and also the Ministry of Intelligence. Moreover, my person has been under special surveillance of the Ministry of Intelligence, and inevitably, all the materials that I send for publication on the Freudian Association website and its affiliated media for admins are read by the agents of the Ministry of Intelligence before reaching the admins (this fact can be pursued from the Ministry of Intelligence). Regarding the ten years that the Freudian Association website has been active, the editor of this website – who is me – has never received even the smallest reprimand for any of the several thousand articles published on this website, neither from the Ministry of Intelligence nor from the Ministry of Interior. The psychoanalyst training curriculum by the Freudian Association has also been previously approved by the Ministry of Interior, that too, through a 2.5-year process. Therefore, the case that has been formed is actually against the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Intelligence, who have been neglectful and careless over these past ten years and have been unable to discover the crimes that the police authorities and the Intelligence Department of Mazandaran province discovered in a few days “after” our arrest!! In fact, they made these discoveries within only 24 hours and spent the following few days substantiating their discoveries!! Because your honor imprisoned us on 09/09/23 with charges of “educational activities contrary to the holy Sharia of Islam and propaganda against the Islamic Republic,” that is, less than 24 hours after the arrest!! This means that on that date, in a way, you had reached a kind of certainty when you issued this 30-day detention order without a number and without a case number, because you thought we were far too dangerous to be released on bail! Interestingly, all the materials that these two charges have been issued with reference to, were several days, weeks, and even years old and there was no urgency involved. Furthermore, none of those so-called crimes had occurred in Mazandaran province to give jurisdiction to the judiciary of this province. To this day, we do not know what conspicuous crime had occurred that, according to the present case, allowed the police on a routine patrol to intervene; let alone arrest, confiscate properties, detain overnight, etc. According to the statements present in the case, we six women were doing yoga, and as far as I know, practicing yoga has not yet been criminalized! Accusing us of “membership in the unknown sect of Mithraism” also turns the matter into a joke.

Well, if something is unknown, meaning it is neither in the Quran nor in the letters of the Grand Ayatollahs, nor in the constitution and nor in the penal code, then how have you, your honor, labeled it a crime and accused us of it?! Do you even know what Mithraism is? Perhaps it’s best that while you’re clarifying the charge, you also enlighten us with this knowledge so that at least we know what perception you have in mind from which you have created a sect and a charge. In any case, I have no intention of defending either the content of the Freudian Association website or the details of my curriculum in this discourse. If this education is against Islamic Sharia, inform the Department of NGOs in the Ministry of Interior, and if the contents of the Freudian Association website are propaganda against the Islamic Republic, inform the Ministry of Intelligence so that it stops the activities of both the Freudian Association and its website. The gathered scattered content from the notebooks of the association members is also not credible because firstly, the bulk of those materials are utterly incomprehensible to those unfamiliar with psychoanalysis, and secondly, even my recorded lessons, which will be transcribed later, always contain numerous errors that are not allowed to be published until reviewed and corrected by me. However, if you would like to know an example of my lesson plans on the history of religions, you can refer to the article “The Latest Sorcery Potion of San Homa Far – Part 3-13” (published on 16/01/22). I bet you don’t even comprehend the title of this lesson plan! Those two men who apparently came from the Mazandaran Intelligence Department for interrogation were so far off that they thought I was Galileo and should be held accountable for the fact that the earth orbits the sun. They had found something in those notebooks about one of the ancient gods of the Arabs named Rahmanan. They wanted me to explain how the words of Jahiliyya and idolatry had emerged in Islamic text?! It was explained to them that this information, extracted from two-thousand-year-old inscriptions by Harvard University researchers, specifically by Professor Ahmad Al-Jallad himself, is proven and accepted formally by all scholars in the field. I also told them that if the Arabic language emerged a thousand years before the Prophet of Islam and if the Prophet of Islam deemed it best to convey his invitation in the common Arabic language of the time and did not invent an Esperanto language, it is neither my fault nor the fault of Professor Ahmad Al-Jallad and Harvard University!! Here we come to the fact that the present file is not only against the Ministry of Intelligence and the Ministry of Interior but also against psychoanalysis and against Harvard University. Therefore, if the situation continues in this way, I am obliged to inform the World Association of Psychoanalysis. Obviously, the World Association of Psychoanalysis, which has a special advisory chair in the United Nations, will also inform this respected organization.

With Respect and Gratitude

Dr. Mitra Kadivar


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  تاریخ انتشار: ۱۸ آبان ۱۴۰۲، ساعت: 14:54