جمعه ۸ تیر ۱۴۰۳

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آرشیو ماهیانه

دسته ها:English، اسیرکُشی محسن شکاری، اعدام قهرمان کشتی نوید افکاری، اعدام های غیر فقهی و غیر شرعی، دادستان ذبیح زاده، در چنگال غارتگران میراث فرهنگی، دیگر نمی توان دم فرو بست، روانکاوی در انجمن فرویدی، روانکاوی در رسانه‌ها و در جامعه، من هم در اتاق بازپرس حسینی بودم، نامه سرگشاده به ریاست محترم قوه قضائیه، وزیر محترم اطلاعات

Open Letter -Part two: Kurdistan belongs to the Kurds

Respected Head of the Judiciary,

With all due respect and greetings once again,

I find myself compelled to bring to your attention a truly perplexing incident, one that has led to the detainment of six highly educated and specialized women since September 8. The nature of this incident is such that its decryption necessitates divulging details that may initially prove distressing. This narrative appears so incredible that when a dozen other members of our association endeavored to secure their release and approached provincial authorities, they too were deeply taken aback. These officials include the Governor’s office, the representative of the jurisprudent in the province, the Intelligence Division of the IRGC, and more.

However, for a psychoanalyst, decoding this peculiar story posed no significant challenge. Allow me to gradually unfold additional events so that others may also undertake this decryption.

In the summer of 1980 (1359), a young doctor who was in the midst of his internship in Sanandaj, accompanied by his wife and two brothers-in-law, embarked on a journey to Marivan Lake. After several hours of prayer at their location, they were abducted by a group of individuals who concealed their identities by donning Kurdish scarves to cover their heads and faces, and were subsequently transported to an undisclosed location. These captors held the three men and one woman separately for a duration of 72 hours, subjecting them to numerous interrogations throughout both day and night. The abductors identified themselves as members of the revolutionary forces of the Committee and accused these young individuals of being present with the intent of conveying information to Iraq.

Following three days and nights, the four young men were entrusted to the men under the command of Mullah Mustafa Barzani to facilitate their return to Sanandaj. Upon arrival in Sanandaj, these young individuals were delivered into the custody of the Kurdistan Governorate forces, who promptly placed them on the first bus bound for Tehran, subsequently escorting them to the capital city. It was during this journey from Marivan to Sanandaj that these youths came to the realization that their abductors were indeed members of the Kurdistan Democratic Party.

This signifies that in this incident, the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Mullah Mustafa Barzani, and the Kurdistan Governorate acted in unison as a single entity. The abductors had repeatedly questioned the captives about their reasons for coming to Kurdistan, with particular curiosity directed at the young doctor’s choice of Sanandaj as his service location outside of his hometown. They had informed this young doctor that they had no need for him in Kurdistan and that Kurdistan belonged to the Kurds. However, it should be noted that in 1980, Kurdistan province was one of the most underserved regions in Iran in terms of medical staff, and the young doctor had chosen this location solely because every year of service in Kurdistan counted as two years towards his service obligation.

I will provide you with further developments of the story in due course.

With respect and gratitude,

Dr. Mitra Kadivar



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  تاریخ انتشار: ۴ آبان ۱۴۰۲، ساعت: 09:43