سه شنبه ۱۲ تیر ۱۴۰۳

بخش ها

آرشیو ماهیانه

دسته ها:روانکاوی در انجمن فرویدی، روانکاوی در رسانه‌ها و در جامعه، عفاف و حجاب!

زنی تنها در میان فانتاسم ۲۵۰۰۰ مرد متعصب/ این است جایگاه زن برای آنها



Centre of attention: The bride Hannah Batya Penet during the ceremony which lasts several hours



Rare occasion: Thousands of Hasidim Jews dressed in black watch as an Ultra Orthodox Jewish rabbi dances with the bride during the Mitvah tantz ritual
Big event: The wedding – which saw up to 30,000 guests attend – is one of the largest Orthodox Jewish ceremonies in recent years
Crowded: Thousands wanted to witness the wedding of Shalom Rokeach who will become the next leader of one of the largest Hasidic communities in Israel
Under the stars: The couple’s vows were said underneath a chuppah – a large canopy supported by four poles which is erected outside so the ceremony can be conducted underneath the sky
منبع: aussie555


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  تاریخ انتشار: ۷ مهر ۱۴۰۱، ساعت: 11:29